Nutrition After The Marathon!

Congratulations to all of you for signing up for the ‘Baldock Beast’ half marathon, and good luck to you all! You have probably been training hard for the last few weeks which will have strengthened your heart, reduced the effect of stress, improved your energy levels and made you feel and look good! However there … Read more

Eating Healthily

The summer is a great time to think about your eating habits.  Whilst the sun is out you can go for lovely green salads, raw green vegetables and the beautiful fruits such as berries that are around. If possible try and eat organic foods as it puts less strain on the liver. Why do I … Read more

Organic or non-organic? That is the question

Organic or not organic? That is the question. So, the FSA tell us that organic food is no more nutritious than conventionally produced food. Although we then read that a ‘small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock but these are unlikely to be … Read more

Wyndham Health