The Easiest Way to Avoid Getting Ill

The food you put into your body has a great affect on your overall health and well-being. We consume a high-acid diet full of fatty meats, chicken, turkey, pasta, cheese and hundreds of processed food items, and even more so during this festive season. This diet can ruin your body’s alkaline balance and actually lead … Read more

Your Body Already Knows the Cure for Cancer

Some thoughts from Jon Herring, Edotorial director of Total Health Breakthroughs. There appears to be a huge mystery around cancer and the medical world would make us believe that it is an elusive genetic puzzle that can only be solved in a laboratory. Or it is a chemical dysfunction that can only be treated with … Read more

Eat your way to 100!

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as an anti-aging diet, and you don’t have to spend a fortune on exotic foods to get big benefits. Many diseases that strike as you age are caused by oxidative stress, or the accumulation of too many free radicals in the body. Free radicals are oxygen … Read more

Healthy Heart

What is a healthy heart?  One that pumps your blood and nutrients around your body at a pressure of 120/80. 120 is the systolic pressure, when the heart beats, 80 is the diastolic pressure, when the heart relaxes. The slower our heart rate the longer we live. To do this it requires healthy arteries, healthy … Read more


Diabetes is a disabling and deadly disease that now effects more people than ever. In the UK there are nearly 2.5 million sufferers which is a rise of 167,000 in the last year alone! There are more than half a million people who have the condition, and don’t even know it. Scientists have attributed this … Read more

Processed food….. a cause of cancer

Processed food….. a cause of cancer Processed foods are part of our life these days, but how good are they for us? They are certainly more convenient and faster, and what we do know is that obesity and processed foods play a key role in cancer. Why? New studies published over the last 2 years … Read more


Pain can be the result of a food or airborne sensitivity, whether it is the physical pain from a joint, arthritis and migraines or the pain from asthma, eczema, sinusitis or hayfever or digestive problems such as irritable bowel.  Sometimes the discomfort is minimal, but when the body’s reaction is such that it stops you … Read more

Fatty fish consumption lowers heart disease risk

I read today in Bob Livingstone’s Personal Liberty News Desk about a Study: Fatty fish consumption lowers heart disease risk. This is something we have been saying for many years but it is good that research has now proved it! ‘New research published in the European Heart Journal has found that eating oily fish, such … Read more

Wyndham Health