Helicobacter Pylori

Many people are familiar with upper abdominal pain, the dull burning pain that is sometimes diagnosed as a stomach ulcer but often goes undiagnosed, and becomes indigestion and acid reflux! More often than not it is caused by a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori, that attacks the lining of the stomach leaving you vulnerable to corrosive … Read more

Is your diet your problem?

A great number of people these days suffer from food intolerances, without even knowing it. Do you suffer regular headaches, digestive problems, or are you generally under par? Well it could be what you are eating on a daily basis. Even if you are eating a ‘good’ diet, one of the foods could potentially be … Read more


Pain can be the result of a food or airborne sensitivity, whether it is the physical pain from a joint, arthritis and migraines or the pain from asthma, eczema, sinusitis or hayfever or digestive problems such as irritable bowel.  Sometimes the discomfort is minimal, but when the body’s reaction is such that it stops you … Read more

Wyndham Health