
Magnesium is a very important mineral for your body, it is involved in over 600 reactions in the body including the metabolism of food, the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, muscle movements, gene maintenance and protein formation. Magnesium is one of the essential macro-minerals that is required on a … Read more

Does Inflammation Cause Disease?

Inflammation is a vital part of the body’s immune response, it is the body’s attempt to heal itself after an injury, to defend itself against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and to repair damaged tissue. When you injure your body, biochemical processes release proteins called cytokines. These act as emergency signals to bring … Read more

The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

If you have read my Health policy blog you will know how much I go on about the bad, and often dangerous, effects of sugar on your body. It may be the single biggest threat to your health and the problem is that not many of the sugar substitutes are any better. A team of … Read more

Toxic Chemicals in our Cosmetics

Baby oil must be natural and gentle, because it is for using on your baby’s sensitive skin… yes? No…. it is made from the leftovers from refining petrol, and the petroleum industry sell it on to the cosmetic companies, who add a little artificial scent, and sell it on as baby oil! And that is … Read more

15 Alkalising Reasons to Eat Cucumber

According to Dr Robert O Young cucumbers are one of the best foods for your overall health and often referred to as a super food because they are alkalising. Our bodies are alkaline by design but our lifestyle and diet create a very acid body which encourage inflammation, bacteria, viruses and fungi. So adding cucumber … Read more

Artificial Sweeteners Still Affect Your Blood Sugar

Do you use artificial sweeteners in an attempt to control your weight? Well evidence is growing that they may not be the healthy option that we think they are! Aspartame (nutra-sweet) could actually contribute to insulin resistance as well as being linked with brain and nerve damage and increased risks of multiple sclerosis, dementia, epilepsy … Read more

Sugar Levels Can Affect Your Brain

Type-2 diabetes is becoming more and more prevalent in this country and huge numbers are pre-diabetic, yet most people still do not realise the implications of this illness and that it isn’t ‘just a sugar disease’. It’s a metabolic disorder that has far-reaching consequences when it comes to the quality of your life, your health … Read more

Sugar is Our Addiction

All chronic disease these days has its roots in sugar consumption. The human race in the developed world has a sugar addiction and is dependent on sugar. Sugar is not just added sugar as we know it, adding sugar to your tea or coffee or to desserts, sugar is any substance with a high glycaemic … Read more

Wyndham Health