7 Reasons that You May Feel Tired

Tiredness appears to be a big problem these days. Everyone who comes to see me complains of tiredness but why is this? Do we not sleep enough, do we try and cram too much into our day, is it what we eat or don’t eat that makes the difference? Well, yes it is all that, … Read more

The Alternative Weight Loss Programme

The Alternative Weight Loss Programme is not just a diet but a way of life, a change of lifestyle that requires effort and hardwork. Like some of the other weight loss programs, it is designed especially and uniquely for you not only to lose those extra kilos, but also to improve your metabolism and to … Read more

What’s in Spinach?

Spinach makes you strong, or so we are told by Popeye. Is he right? Well, it is certainly full of great nutrition and it is a very alkaline food. It contains carotenoids, vitamins A, B, C, E and K, folate, calcium, magnesium iron and glycoglycerolipids. Calcium and magnesium will keep your bones strong and healthy, … Read more

What’s in an Apple?

As the saying goes – ‘an apple a day keeps the Dr away’! Well, there is more and more scientific evidence to support the idea that by eating apples it keeps you from having to see your Dr. and protects you from developing chronic health problems such as heart disease, asthma and some forms of … Read more

What’s in a lime?

As with all citrus fruits, limes provide lots of vitamin C and some B vitamins. They are also rich in a plant compound called flavonoids. In the 19th century the British sailors were given a daily allowance of limes to prevent scurvy. It presented itself initially with symptoms of fatigue and lethargy, then spots especially … Read more

What’s in an Avocado?

Lots of people avoid avocados because they believe that they are full of fat and therefore calories. Well, they do have a high fat content but it is a healthy fat. It is predominantly monounsaturated and can help to lower LDL, ‘bad’, cholesterol. So, infact, avocados could be considered to be a heart-friendly food. Not … Read more

The Importance of Healthy Eating

The summer is a great time to think about your eating habits. You can go for lovely green salads, raw green vegetables and the beautiful fruits such as the berries and currents that are around. In fact, that’s what this popular Naturopathic Clinic homepage encourages. If possible try to eat organic foods because it puts … Read more

How diet can affect bone health

The main stream definition of osteoporosis portrays bones as static structures, indicating that when bone deteriorates there is nothing that you can do to reverse or stop it except take medicines to correct the problem. However, there is no miracle drug without side effects and infact bone loss or osteoporosis, can be prevented or even … Read more

Liver and Intestine Clean Up

Christmas is over and the new year has begun.  How are those new year resolutions?   Have they gone by the board yet, or are they beginning to become more difficult to stick to?   The over indulgences are regrets and the task to ‘get fit’ looks like an uphill climb again!   Well let us help you … Read more


When summer comes and the temperatures go up it is more important than ever to drink WATER…..not juice or squash, not tea or coffee but WATER. The human body is 70% water.  It makes up 75% volume of our muscles and heart, 83% of our brain and kidneys, 86% of our lungs and 95% of … Read more

Wyndham Health