Fatty fish consumption lowers heart disease risk

I read today in Bob Livingstone’s Personal Liberty News Desk about a Study: Fatty fish consumption lowers heart disease risk. This is something we have been saying for many years but it is good that research has now proved it! ‘New research published in the European Heart Journal has found that eating oily fish, such … Read more

Organic or non-organic? That is the question

Organic or not organic? That is the question. So, the FSA tell us that organic food is no more nutritious than conventionally produced food. Although we then read that a ‘small number of differences in nutrient content were found to exist between organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock but these are unlikely to be … Read more

Proof that you don’t get all your nutrition from foods

Melanie Segala, managing editor of Total Health Breakthroughs, has written: Vitamin Takers Live Longer. ‘Scientists have now proved what those of us into “alternative” medicine have known for years — taking multivitamins will help you live longer. And according to their research, it may be up to 5% longer than people that don’t take them.1 … Read more

More Help for Migraine sufferers

I spoke last time about 3 nutrients that help to relieve headaches, well here is the result of another study saying that daily supplements of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid were found to reduce the frequency, severity and disability of migraine headaches twofold. The study conducted by researchers at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia … Read more

3 Simple Nutrients for Migraine Relief

Did you know there are a few simple nutrients that you can take to help you get rid of migraines? Most people, once they feel a migraine coming will pop a pill and sleep the pain away in a dark room, feeling very groggy the next day. Many of them deal with terrible side effects … Read more

Easy Ways to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Our biggest killer in this country for men and women is still cardiovascular disease, and yet it doesn’t have to happen! You can reverse cardiovascular disease with a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet. In 2005 Dr Colin Campbell and his colleagues published a book ‘The China Study’, detailing their 40 year research on thousands … Read more

A Silent Cause of Heart Problems

It is inflammation in the arteries, not cholesterol, that causes up to half of all heart problems in this country every year, and many people never even see it coming! They eat the right foods, exercise and watch their weight. They look and feel great, right up to the minute that their hearts stop beating. … Read more

Wyndham Health