Plantar Fasciitis (Pain in the Heel & Arch)

What Is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is a general term given to pain experienced on the bottom of the foot, often towards the heel. When the plantar fascia, an unyielding ribbon of connective tissue running from the heel to the ball of the foot, is under excessive tension, pain at the insertion point onto the … Read more

Does Inflammation Cause Disease?

Inflammation is a vital part of the body’s immune response, it is the body’s attempt to heal itself after an injury, to defend itself against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and to repair damaged tissue. When you injure your body, biochemical processes release proteins called cytokines. These act as emergency signals to bring … Read more

Natural Ways to Ease Period Pain

Menstruation, while being an entirely natural part of a woman’s life, is often not the most comfortable and is dreaded by many women for the myriad of symptoms that can ensue, including uterine cramps, low back pain and migraines or severe headaches that coincide with the onset of menstruation with depressing regularity. An expert in … Read more

Liver Regeneration – How Does It Work? – by Anne Heather

So, you’ve just finished ‘Dryanuary’ (or some other form of post-Christmas ‘detox’). How did it go for you? Did you make it all the way through? Are you feeling rejuvenated? Energised? Brimming with wellness? Were you queuing outside the pub on the 1st Feb? However you handled it, chances are that you made some kind of resolution … Read more

Ways to Beat Colds and Flu

So here we are in January and the ‘flu’ season begins! Is it just a ‘cold’ or is it the ‘flu’ that is making you feel so unwell? Here are a few of the differences to help you decipher: • Flu symptoms come on very suddenly whereas a cold is more of a gradual onset. … Read more

Chemical Cosmetics Can Be Carcinogenic

I have mentioned in a previous article about chemicals in our cosmetics but I want to reiterate it here because it is really so important that you understand what you are putting on and into your body and what it can do to you. Almost 13000 chemicals are used in cosmetics and only 10% of … Read more

The Ski Season Is Upon Us

The snow has arrived, Allez Allez! The ski season is looking better than ever. February half term is right around the corner, have you done any ski preparation? Ooops, do not fear, start today it’s never too late. Look below at these four simple exercises to keep those knee injuries at bay. Statistically most ski … Read more

Joint Pain

Do you suffer joint pains?  Are you taking ant-inflammatory drugs?  Well, did you know that they could cause stomach bleeding? Did you also know that there are other alternatives like a 2000mg cbd joint pain cream?  Here are a few ideas and some natural supplements that you can take to help with all types of … Read more

Probiotics and Cancer

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, believed all those years ago that all disease starts in the gut and a recent study published in PLOS ONE shows that having some control over your gut’s bacterial population may even help prevent cancer. Living inside your gut there are fungi, good bacteria and bad bacteria … Read more

Cholesterol – The Natural Way

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all the cells of our body. It has a hormone-like structure that behaves like a fat in that it is insoluble in water and in blood. 80% of cholesterol in your body is produced in the liver in response to inflammation as a result of excess … Read more

Wyndham Health