Science has concluded that the prime factor in the majority of disease, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer is ‘inflammation’.
So, if that is the case why do we get inflammation and how do we prevent it?
A bad diet can play a huge part in the production of inflammation because there are certain foods that will create it. The main foods to avoid are processed refined foods and sugar. These foods increase the sugar levels in your blood and this then cries out for insulin. Insulin’s job, among other things, is to get that sugar out of the bloodstream quickly and deliver it to the muscle cells where it can be used for energy. High levels of insulin in the blood are pro-inflammatory, they increase the inflammation in your body. Insulin, also tells the kidneys to hold onto sodium, increasing blood pressure, and high insulin levels encourage the body to store excess fat encouraging obesity.
Refined foods and sugars also make your body very acid and this encourages inflammation. It is important to keep your body as alkaline as possible because bacteria, viruses, fungi and therefore inflammation cannot survive in an acid medium.
The acid/alkaline balance of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic over acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of our heart to the neutral firing of our brain. In other words, overacidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of all sickness and disease, but when the body is in healthy alkaline balance, it works well and germs are unable to get a foothold.
So it is important to eat lots of fruit and vegetables especially green vegetables because they, once digested, are alkaline. I suggest a small green salad as a first course before your main meal to create the alkalinity and to encourage the natural enzymes which are essential for digestion.
Enzymes in the body are one of the most important elements of our health and far outweigh the value of any other nutrient. Every action and reaction in our body is dependent on enzymes, and not only are we getting too few of them in our over-cooked, over-processed foods, but stress, ageing and environmental factors also render them less numerous and less efficient in our bodies.
Enzymes carry out almost every chemical reaction in our body. In fact, vitamins, minerals and hormones cannot do their jobs without the aid of enzymes. Enzymes are the workers within the body. They are working every second to build and regenerate our body, but they do also need their co-workers, certain critical vitamins and minerals, to keep ahead of daily damage and degeneration.
There are three types of enzymes, digestive enzymes that digest food, metabolic enzymes that help to repair and build the body, and clean-up enzymes for clearing up any non-vital tissue floating around and also providing anti-inflammatory reactions to fight infections and tissue damage.
A great clean up enzyme is Serrapeptase, a naturally occurring enzyme that comes from the silk worm where it is used for instantly dissolving the hard cacoon to allow the moth to escape and fly away. It also uses it to help digest the tough mulberry leaves that it feeds on. Serrapeptase has a specific anti inflammatory effect and digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation of all forms.
I recommend Serrapeptase as the safest and most effective solution to inflammation of all kinds. It can help in joint and back pain, muscle pain, sports injuries, arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure, arterial disease, cardiovascular disease and cholesterol to name just a few.